
Top 10 Richest Men in the World

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Explore the heights of wealth with FBS as we delve into the lives of the top ten wealthiest men in the world. Discover their profound impact on leading stocks, shaping the global economy like never before.


Best alternative investments of 2024


This material does not constitute a call to trade, trading advice or recommendation and is intended for informational purposes only.

What are alternative investments?

Alternative investments go beyond traditional assets like stocks and bonds. These assets include things like private equity, hedge funds, real estate, and cryptocurrencies. Unlike traditional investments, alternative assets are less easily converted to cash and face less regulation, making them less predictable for investors.

In the past, only wealthy and institutional investors played in this field. Now, everyday investors are joining in, looking for a mix of investments to reduce risks, especially during economic changes.

The alternative investment world is growing fast. For example, in 2023, Blackstone managed over $1 trillion in alternative assets. This signals a rising interest in these riskier, longer-term investments.


Trading ROI explained

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What is ROI in trading?

ROI stands for “return on investment” and is a financial concept that shows the profit or loss generated by an investment. This concept applies to any industry where an investment can be made and bring profit (or loss). Online trading or Forex is no exception, so let’s talk about trading ROI in this article.

When we think about return on investment in trading, we need to understand both sides — the investment and the returns. What do we consider an investment in trading? Basically, we consider any money that you bring to your brokerage account to be your investment. You use that money to open your positions. This is what we consider to be your investment in trading.

The balance on your trading account changes to reflect the results of your open positions — your profit or loss. You can use the two numbers to calculate your trading ROI.


What Is A Bull Market?


If you need more understanding of the meaning of a bull market, this article will give you a detailed overview of this market phenomenon. The following sections will unravel what is a bull market in stocks and other trading assets, giving you everything you need to know about it to feel more confident as a trader.


How Trading Conditions Can Affect a Trader’s Performance


Trading Conditions

As traders step into the world of Forex trading, they enter a realm defined by constant change and unpredictability in market conditions. From volatile markets to calm waters, each condition presents unique challenges and opportunities for traders. Understanding how these conditions impact trading performance is crucial for anyone looking to excel in the Forex market. In this article, we will delve into the significance of trading conditions, explore different strategies to optimize performance, and shed light on the importance of selecting the right Forex broker.


Unlocking Online Wealth: 10 Pathways to Passive Income


Unlocking Online Wealth: 10 Pathways to Passive Income

In today’s digital age, the allure of generating passive income online has captivated individuals worldwide. But what exactly is passive income, and how can one harness its potential? In this comprehensive guide, we explore ten lucrative avenues for creating passive income streams through online channels. Whether you’re a novice or seasoned trader, these strategies offer opportunities to boost your financial portfolio and unlock the benefits of online wealth.


Bullish and Bearish Flag Patterns in Trading



In the dynamic world of Forex trading, understanding technical patterns is vital to navigating the markets efficiently. For example, bullish and bearish flag patterns are potent indicators of potential market movements. When traders recognize these patterns, they can make more informed decisions by tapping into short-term price trends that signal more significant market dynamics. This article aims to demystify the complexities of these flag patterns and offer traders of all experience levels — from novice to expert —a solid knowledge to forecast and capitalize on market movements effectively.


Understanding the South African Rand: History of the Currency



The South African Rand is uniquely positioned in forex trading, serving as a vital indicator of economic trends within emerging markets. This article dives into the rich history and economic implications of the South African Rand, illuminating its role in global finance and trading environments. By understanding the evolution of this currency, traders can better navigate the complexities of the forex market, utilizing insights into the Rand's performance to make informed trading decisions.

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